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The negative impact of human negligence on the proper behavior of systems is also the bread and butter of all these corrosion engineers that are rarely listened to during the construction of the very systems they will be called to maintain. Who is this Corrosion Engineer that is so important to the welfare of our societies. Francis L. LaQue gave us a good profile of what he thought this corrosion engineer should be, or do, in a paper published in 1952 and rerun in the August 1985 issue of Materials Performance. In that landmark paper, LaQue discussed three aspects of What management should expect from a corrosion engineer, namely:

  1. The attributes of a corrosion engineer

  2. What can he be expected to undertake

  3. What may be anticipated as results of his activities

In his 1952 paper, LaQue stretched the importance of basic knowledge for performing good corrosion engineering. In order to understand better the needs of modern corrosion engineers, the Corrosion Doctors have decided to carry out a series of speedy poll surveys to make the Portrait of a Corrosion Engineer.

The members of two very active corrosion electronic discussion groups (UMIST and NACE International) were invited to participate and answer simple questions by stating their opinions on options provided.

The surveys have been designed to be answered in a minimum of 'clicks' on the mouse button. However, participants were welcomed to provide additional opinions in comment boxes since these comments can be tremendously useful. The sheer size of some of the comments left by some visitors is a good indication of the seriousness given to the polling process.

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