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Other References

  1. Adie, R.: On the corrosion of metals. 10 p. 1845. (In Minutes of proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, v. 4, p. 323.) Shows that saturated salt solutions are a great protection from corrosion.

  2. Akerman, R.: Ueber das rosten des eisens. 4,200 w. 1882. (In Stahl and eisen, v. 2, p. 417.) Considers theory of rusting, especially of protective metal coatings, and of the influence of manganese in the rusting of steel.

  3. Alford, H. Carroll: Corrosion of iron and its prevention. 2,200 w. 1901. (In Proceedings of the St. Louis Railway Club, v. 5, April 12, p. 9.) Theory of rust formation and preventive measures.

  4. American Society for Testing Materials: 1,800 w. 1906. (In Iron age, v. 77, p. 2057.) Abstracts of papers at ninth annual meeting of the society; corrosion of tube steel, corrosion of wire fencing, electrolysis in structural steel, etc.

  5. Andes, Louis Edgar: Der eisenrost; seine bildung, gefahren and verhutung unter besonderer berucksichtigung der verwendung des eisens als ban- and constructions material. 292 p. Ill. 1898. Treats very fully of rust formation and gives many methods of prevention, chiefly by preservative paints.

  6. Andrews, Thomas: Effect of stress on the corrosion of metals. 6,000 w. Ill. 1894. (In Minutes of proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, v. 118, p. 356.)

  7. Bauer, O.: Uber den einfluss der reihenfolge von zusatzen zum flusseisen auf die widerstandsfahigkeit gegen verdunnte schwefelsaure. 1,000 w. Diag. dr. 1905. (In Mitteilungen aus dem Koniglichen Material prufungsamt, v. 23, p. 292.) Considers the influence of aluminium and tungsten on the corrosion of steel in dilute sulphuric acid.

  8. Bradford, W. A.: Corrosion vs. so-called corrosion. 2,500 w. 4 ill. 1909. (In Metal Worker, v. 72, October 2, p. 45.) Effect of water and other destructive agents on various kinds of pipe.

  9. Breuil, Pierre: Corrosion tests on copper steels. 400 w. Dr. 1907. (In Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, v. 74, p. 41.) Experiments using sulphuric acid as corrosive liquid "make copper steels rank in value with nickel steels in every respect of corrosion."

  10. Breuil, Pierre: Corrosion tests on the [copper] steels as rolled. 1,200 w. 1907. (In Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, v. 74, p. 60.) Tests show corrosion to take place much more slowly with rolled steel.

  11. Brown, A. Crum: On the chemical processes involved in the rusting of iron. 1,200 w. 1888. (In Journal of Iron and Steel Institute, v. 33, p. 129.) Discussion, 800 w. Rusting caused by action of carbon dioxide and oxygen.

  12. Bruhl, Paul: On the preservation of instruments and machinery in Bengal. 10,000 w. 1903. (In Engineer, London, v. 96, p. 101, 125, 147.) Effect of warm, moist climate, particularly on delicate instruments.

  13. Buchanan, J. F.: Corrosion of metals. 2,200 w. 1904. (In Foundry, v. 24, p. 160.) Briefly considers relative corrosion of the more useful metals and alloys.

  14. Burgess, Charles F.: Corrosion of iron from the electrochemical standpoint. 32 p. Diag. dr. ill. 1908. (In Transactions of the American Electrochemical Society, v. 13, p. 17.) Discussion, 6 p. The same without discussion. (In Electrical review, New York, v. 53, p. 371, 436.) Considers the influence of strain and of inequalities of temperature on corrosion.

  15. Burgess, Charles F. & Engle, S. G.: Observations on the corrosion of iron by acids. 3,000 w. 1903. (In Transactions of the American Electrochemical Society, v. 9, p. 199.) Effect of normal solutions of sulphuric and hydrochloric acids on electrolytic iron.

  16. Calvert, F. Crace.: Experiments on the oxidation of iron. 1,000 w. 1871. (In Chemical news, v. 23, p. 98.)
    Paper before the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society. Indicates that "carbonic acid is the agent which determines the oxidation of iron."

  17. Corrosion and protection of metal surfaces: 9,500 w. 1897. (In Workshop receipts, v. 5, p. 283.) Takes up copper, iron and steel, lead, silver and zinc.

  18. Corrosion of iron: 4,700 w. 1907. (In Electrochemical and metallurgical industry, v. 5, p. 363.) Gives in condensed form papers by Walker and Cushman. See also editorial, p. 343.

  19. Corrosion of iron: rusting. 3,500 w. 1907. (In Engineering news, v. 58, p. 328.) See also editorial, p. 339.

  20. The same. (In Iron and coal trades review, v. 75, p. 1566.) Consideration of paper by Cushman, with reference also to Walker's experiments.

  21. Cranfield, W.: Iron; its oxidation, corrosion, protection. 7,000 w. 1909. (In Journal of gas lighting, v. 106, p. 443.) Paper before the Yorkshire Junior Gas Association. Discusses theory, corrosive agents and the preservative values of various coatings.

  22. Crowe, Edward.: Corrosion of iron and steel. 2,600 w. Dr. 1909. (In Proceedings of the Cleveland Institution of Engineers, session of 1908-09, p. 148.)

  23. The same, condensed. 1,200 w. (In Iron and coal trades review, v. 78, p. 341.) Discussion. Does not enter into the theory of corrosion, but describes special instances and suggests causes and methods of prevention.

  24. Curious case of corrosion. 200 w. Ill. 1894. (In Engineering, v. 57, p. 544.) Illustration of an iron bar in which laminations appear; certain layers badly corroded and intermediate ones bright.

  25. Curry, B. E.: Electrolytic corrosion of the bronzes. 6,800 w. Diag. 1906. (In Journal of physical chemistry, v. 10, p. 474.) Determination of effect of corrosion in common salt solutions.

  26. Curry, B. E.: Electrolytic corrosion of the bronzes. 25 p. Dr. 1906. (In Transactions of the American Electrochemical Society, v. 9, p. 173.) "It is the purpose of this research to study the corroding effects of some of the more common reagents on the copper-tin series of alloys."

  27. Cushman, Allerton S.: Corrosion of fence wire. 31 p. 1905. (In United States - Department of agriculture. Farmers' bulletin no. 239.) The same, condensed. 3,000 w. (In Iron age, v. 77, p. 207.) Investigation undertaken for the mutual advantage of consumer and manufacturer. Claims that the uneven distribution of manganese causes part of the trouble, owing to electrolytic action.

  28. Cushman, Allerton S.: Corrosion of iron. IS p. Dr. 111. 1907. (In Proceedings of the American Society for Testing Materials, v. 7, p. 211.)

  29. Cushman, Allerton S.: Corrosion of iron. 35 p. Dr. 111. 1907. (In United States -Office of public roads. Bulletin no. 30.)

  30. The same. (In Chemical news, v. 99, p. 8, 14.)

  31. The same, condensed. 4,400 w. (In Iron age, v. 80, p. 370.) See also editorial, p. 99,5.

  32. The same, condensed. 5,500 w. (In Scientific American supplement, v. 64, p. 151.) Abundant references to original sources. Describes and illustrates experiments of the author tending to establish the electrolytic theory of corrosion. Author's own belief is that "the whole subject . . . is an electrochemical one, which can be readily explained under the modern theory of solutions."

  33. Cushman, Allerton S.: Corrosion of steel. 4,000 w. 1908. (In Journal of the Franklin Institute, v. 165, p. 111.)

  34. Cushman, Allerton S.: Electrolysis and corrosion. 3,800 w. 1908. (In Proceedings of the American Society for Testing Materials, v. 8, p. 238.) The same. (In Engineering record, v. 58, p. 349.) Discussion of electrolytic corrosion and its physico-chemical explanation.

  35. Cushman, Allerton S.: Electrolytic theory of the corrosion of iron. 2,200 w. 1907. (In Transactions of the American Electrochemical Society, v. 12, p. 403.) Discussion, 600 w.

  36. The same. (In Electrical engineer, London, v. 47, p. 701.)

  37. Cushman, Allerton S.: Preservation of iron and steel. 32 p. 6 ill. 1909. (In Journal of the Iron and Steel Institute, v. 79, p. 33.)