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Corrosion Fatigue


Corrosion-fatigue is the result of the
combined action of an alternating or cycling stresses and a corrosive environment.
The fatigue process is thought to cause rupture of the protective passive film,
upon which corrosion is accelerated.If the metal is simultaneously exposed
to a corrosive environment, the failure can take place at even lower loads and after
shorter time.
In a corrosive environment the stress level at which it could be assumed
a material has infinite life is lowered or removed completely. Contrary
to a pure mechanical fatigue, there is no fatigue limit load in corrosion-assisted
Corrosion fatigue and fretting are both in this class. Much lower failure
stresses and much shorter failure times can occur in a corrosive environment
compared to the situation where the alternating stress is in a non-corrosive
The fatigue fracture is brittle and the cracks are most often transgranular,
as in stress-corrosion cracking, but not branched. The picture shown here
reveals a primary corrosion-fatigue crack that in part has been widened
by a secondary corrosion reaction. The corrosive environment can cause a
faster crack growth and/or crack growth at a lower tension level than in
dry air. Even relatively mild corrosive atmospheres can reduce the fatigue
strength of aluminum structures considerably, down to 75 to 25% of the
fatigue strength in dry air. (photo
courtesy) |
No metal is immune from some reduction of its resistance to cyclic
stressing if the metal is in a corrosive environment.
Control of corrosion fatigue can be accomplished
by either lowering the cyclic stresses or by various
corrosion control measures
(see checklist).
Fatigue Models
Protection Possibilities Checklist
- Minimize or eliminate cyclic stresses
- Reduce stress concentration or redistribute stress
(balance strength and stress throughout the component)
- Select the correct shape of critical sections
- Provide against rapid changes of loading, temperature
or pressure
- Avoid internal stress
- Avoid fluttering and vibration-producing or vibration-transmitting
- Increase natural frequency for reduction of resonance
corrosion fatigue
- Limit corrosion factor in the corrosion-fatigue process
(more resistant material / less corrosive environment).