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NACE Conference Papers- P.R. Roberge and R.D. Klassen, "Early Experiences with a Web-Based Distance Course on Corrosion," CORROSION 2004, NACE International, Houston, 2004, Paper # 070.
- R.D. Klassen and P.R. Roberge, "Analyzing Electrochemical Noise Data with Time-Domain Techniques," CORROSION 2004, NACE International, Houston, 2004, Paper # 447.
- R.J. Draper, R.D. Klassen and P.R. Roberge, "Aluminum Based Surface Tolerant Tape Coating for Steel in Marine Exposure," CORROSION 2003, NACE International, Houston, 2003, Paper # 006.
- R.D. Klassen and P.R. Roberge, "Electrochemical Responses of Several Metals to Atmospheric Corrosives," CORROSION 2003, NACE International, Houston, 2003, Paper # 427.
- R.D. Klassen and P.R. Roberge, "Adding Value to Corrosivity Measurements by Patina Analysis," CORROSION 2003, NACE International, Houston, 2003, Paper # 592.
- R.D. Klassen and P.R. Roberge, " Passive Monitoring of Atmospheric Corrosives and Pollutants at Three CF Bases," CORROSION 2002, NACE International, Houston, 2002, Paper # 149.
- R.D. Klassen and P.R. Roberge, " Self Linear Polarization Resistance," CORROSION 2002, NACE International, Houston, 2002, Paper # 330.
- R.D. Klassen, P.R. Roberge, J. Porter, Pelletier, G and B. Zwicker, "On-Board Hypochlorite Generation for Biofouling Control," CORROSION 2001, NACE International, Houston, 2001, Paper # 480.
- R.D. Klassen and P.R. Roberge, "The Effects of Wind on Local Atmospheric Corrosivity," CORROSION 2001, NACE International, Houston, 2001, Paper # 544.
- J.M.S. Dubois, P.R. Roberge and J.R.S. Giguere, " Eddy Current Sliding Probe Technology for the Detection of Corrosion in Multi-Layered Aircraft Structures," CORROSION 2000, NACE International, Houston, 2000, Paper # 296.
- M.A.A. Tullmin and P.R. Roberge, " Monitoring Corrosion in Aging Systems - New Possibilities and Old Fundamentals," CORROSION 2000, NACE International, Houston, 2000, Paper # 282.
- P.R. Roberge, " The Development of a New Tool for corrosion managers," CORROSION 2000, NACE International, Houston, 2000, Paper # 476.
- P.R. Roberge, R.D. Klassen and M.A.A. Tullmin, " Electrochemical Noise Analysis for Corrosivity Assessment," CORROSION 2000, NACE International, Houston, 2000, Paper # 281.
- P.R. Roberge and E. Ghali, " A Corrosion Engineering Training Model," CORROSION 2000, NACE International, Houston, 2000, Paper # 478.
- R.D. Klassen and P.R. Roberge, " Modeling the Effects of Local Topography on Atmospheric Corrosivity," CORROSION 2000, NACE International, Houston, 2000, Paper # 272.
- R.D. Klassen, P.R. Roberge, M.A.A. Tullmin, "From Atmospheric Corrosivity Assessment to Aircraft Life Prediction," CORROSION 99, NACE International, Houston, 1999, Paper # 489.
- P.R. Roberge "Searching for Corrosion Intelligence," CORROSION 99, NACE International, Houston, 1999, Paper # 232.
- P.R. Roberge, M.A.A. Tullmin, N. Townley and M.A. Little, "Learning Lessons the Hard or Soft Way, that is the Question," CORROSION 98, NACE International, Houston, 1998, Paper # 600.
- M.A.A. Tullmin, P.R. Roberge, N. Townley and M.A. Little, "Development of a PC-Based Corrosion Surveillance Module," CORROSION 98, NACE International, Houston, 1998, Paper # 400.
- M.A.A. Tullmin, P.R. Roberge, R.D. Klassen and M.A. Little, "Prediction of Aircraft Corrosion Damage - Atmospheric Parameters and Corrosion Sensors," CORROSION 98, NACE International, Houston, 1998, Paper # 606.
- M.A.A. Tullmin, P.R. Roberge and K.R. Trethewey, "Corrosion Ergonomics," CORROSION 98, NACE International, Houston, 1998, Paper # 608.
- J.C. Amphlett, S. Leclerc, R.F. Mann, B.A. Peppley and P.R. Roberge, "Simulation and System Analysis of an Ethanol Fuel Processor/PEM Fuel Cell Power Plant," Proc. of the 33rd Intersociety Energy Conversion Engineering Conference, Paper No. 98-270, August 1998, Colorado Springs, CO.
- K.R. Trethewey, Y. Puget, R.J.K. Wood and P.R. Roberge, "A Knowledge Based System for Materials Selection," CORROSION 97, NACE International, Houston, 1997, Paper # 322.
- P.R. Roberge and K.R. Trethewey, "The Positive Role of Computers in Reducing Human-Induced Corrosion Failures in Military Systems," CORROSION 97, NACE International, Houston, 1997, Paper # 536.
- P.R. Roberge, M.A.A. Tullmin and K.R. Trethewey, "Knowledge Discovery from Case Histories of Corrosion Problems," CORROSION 97, NACE International, Houston, 1997, Paper # 319.
- P.R. Roberge, M.A.A. Tullmin and M.A. Little, "Aircraft Corrosion Surveillance in the Military," CORROSION 97, NACE International, Houston, 1997, Paper # 527.
- P.R. Roberge, M.A.A. Tullmin and M.A. Little, "Sensors for Aircraft Corrosion - Review and Future Developments," CORROSION 97, NACE International, Houston, 1997, Paper # 301.
- P.R. Roberge and K.R. Trethewey, "Modelling Human Interventions in Corrosion Failures," CORROSION 97, NACE International, Houston, 1997, Paper # 325.
- P.R. Roberge and K.R. Trethewey, "A Model of Corrosion Expertise," CORROSION 96, NACE International, Houston, 1996, Paper # 360.
- P.R. Roberge and K.R. Trethewey, "An Knowledge-Based Structure to Improve Learning Lessons in the Military," CORROSION 96, NACE International, Houston, 1996, Paper # 640.
- P.R. Roberge and L. Grenier, "Developing a Knowledge Framework for the Organization of Aircraft Inspection Information," CORROSION 96, NACE International, Houston, 1996, Paper # 382.
- P.R. Roberge and K.R. Trethewey, "An Indexing System of Corrosion Failures for Case-Based Reasoning," CORROSION 96, NACE International, Houston, 1996, Paper # 359.
- P.R. Roberge, M.A.A. Tullmin, L. Grenier and C. Ringas, "Corrosion Surveillance for Aircraft," CORROSION 96, NACE International, Houston, 1996, Paper # 642.
- P.R. Roberge and P. Mayer, "A Methodology for Materials Performance Maintenance," Life Prediction of Corrodible Structures, R.N. Parkins, Ed., National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, TX, 1994, pp. 687-697.
- P.R. Roberge, "A Critical Description of the Permutation of EIS Data Points Technique for Corrosion Measurements and Monitoring," CORROSION 94, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, 1994, Paper # 318.
- P.R. Roberge, C.G. Selkirk, G.F Fisher and K.K. Yeung, "A Knowledge Based Expert System for Condition Monitoring," in Computers in Corrosion Control, Vol IV, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, 1994, pp. 97-106.
- P.R. Roberge, K.R. Trethewey and S. Phillips, "Development of a Knowledge Elicitation Shell for Materials Performance," in Computers in Corrosion Control, Vol IV, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, 1994, pp. 63-76.
- P.R. Roberge, "A Critical Review of Expert Systems for Corrosion Prevention and Control," in Computers in Corrosion Control, Vol IV, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, 1994, pp. 1-12.
- P.R. Roberge and V.S. Sastri, "Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy as a Reliable and Powerful Technique for On-Line Corrosion Monitoring," NACE/93, National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, TX, 1993, pp. 396/1-396/11.
- P.R. Roberge, B. Price and C.M. Daniel, "Simulating the Secondary Side Chemistry Control of a CANDU Nuclear Reactor with a Knowledge Base Expert System", P.R. Roberge, B. Price and C.M. Daniel, in Computers in Corrosion Control, Vol III, NACE, Houston, 1992, 268.1-268.8.
- P.R. Roberge, "Bridging the Gap Between Corrosion Laboratories and the Real World: the Expert System Approach", in Computers in Corrosion Control, Vol III, NACE, Houston, 1992, 258.1-258.13.
- P.R. Roberge and K.A. Sosin, "Development of an Expert System for the Evaluation of Cost Risk Benefits of Corrosion Preventive Measures," in Computers in Corrosion Control, Vol III, NACE, Houston, 1992, 266.1-266.9.
- P.R. Roberge and E. Halliop, "Characterization of the Resistance to Erosion Corrosion of Copper/Nickel Alloys with Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy," in "Flow Induced Corrosion: Fundamental Studies and Industry Experience," K.J. Kennedy, R.H. Hausler and D.C. Silverman, Eds., National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, TX, 22.1-22.11 (1991).
- P.R. Roberge, E. Halliop and I. Henderson, "Cell Evaluation of the Surface Velocity Distribution in an Orifice," in "Flow Induced Corrosion: Fundamental Studies and Industry Experience," K.J. Kennedy, R.H. Hausler and D.C. Silverman, Eds., National Association of Corrosion Engineers, Houston, TX, 12.1-12.10 (1991).
- P.R. Roberge and C.M. Daniel, "Structuring the Secondary Side Chemistry Control Knowledge for its Transfer into an Expert System Environment," CORROSION 91, paper #91041, NACE, Houston, Texas, (1991).
- P.R. Roberge, E. Halliop and I. Henderson, "The Evaluation of Surface Velocities Using MTLCD Measurements," CORROSION 90, paper #32, NACE, Houston, Texas (1990).
- P.R. Roberge and E. Halliop, "Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy as an Erosion Corrosion Rate Monitoring Technique," CORROSION 90, paper #15, NACE, Houston, Texas (1990).
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