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Electrochemistry Dictionary - V

  • V: Symbol and abbreviation of volt.

  • Viscosity: The resistance to flow exhibited by a liquid or gas subjected to deformation.

  • Volt: Measurement unit of the electrical potential. Symbol: "V".

  • Voltage: A term sometimes used interchangeably with electrical potential. See also cell voltage.

  • Voltage compliance: See compliance limits.

  • Voltage delay: Time interval at the start of a discharge during which the working voltage of a cell is below its steady value. The phenomenon is generally due to the presence of passivating films on the negative electrode.

  • Voltage source (supply): See electrical source (supply).

  • Voltaic cell: See galvanic cell.

  • Voltaic pile (Volta pile): The first (1800) laboratory source of electricity, essentially what we would call today a non-rechargeable battery. Volta assembled (piled up) different metal disks (e.g., copper and zinc) separated by solution soaked pasteboards, repeating the pattern many tens of times. This was essentially a battery containing many series-coupled Daniell cells (a cell which was a later improvement) providing rather high cell voltage and current capabilities, but very short life time.

  • Voltammetry: An electrochemical measuring technique used for electrochemical analysis or for the determination of the kinetics and mechanism of electrode reactions. "Voltammetry" is a family of techniques with the common characteristics that the potential of the working electrode is controlled (typically with a potentiostat) and the current flowing through the electrode is measured. In one of the most common applications of the technique, the potential is scanned linearly in time; this is called the "linear-sweep voltammetry," "LSV," or "LV." "Cyclic voltammetry (CV)" is a linear-sweep voltammetry with the scan continued in the reverse direction at the end of the first scan, this cycle can be repeated a number of times.

  • Voltammogram: Graphical representation of the results of a voltammetric measurement.

  • Voltmeter: Instrument used for the measurement of electrical potential differences.