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Water Glossary - J
Jar test: A laboratory
test procedure with differing chemical doses, mix speeds, and settling times,
to estimate the minimum or ideal coagulant dose required to achieve water quality
Jet stream: A long narrow
meandering current of high-speed winds near the tropopause blowing from a generally
westerly direction and often exceeding a speed of 250 miles per hour.
Jetteau: A jet of water.
Jetter: One (as a geyser)
that sends out a jet.
Jetty: A structure (as
a pier or mole of wood or stone) extending into a sea, lake, or river to influence
the current or tide or to protect a harbor.
Jökulhlaup: Destructive flood
that occurs as the result of the rapid ablation of ice by volcanic activity
beneath the ice of a large glacier.